Some business owners want to learn how to market more effectively, others want to learn and apply proven business management to streamline their own businesses, while others may want to explode their income through whatever it takes... and many want to do all of these things in their small businesses.
So where do you begin?
I have found that most people have a good idea of where they want to go with their business, but are usually not very accurate as to where they are right now, where they're holding back, what steps they need to take, and how to set and implement goals that really work to achieve true success!
So, I invite you to chat with me for about 30 minutes or so about your business. I'd love to find out where you are now, where you want to go, and see if I can help. I specialize in asking you the right questions to assist you in moving forward and in seeing where you are not maximizing your strengths.
The Small Business Evaluation is only $125.00, for a limited time only! This session with will save you from:
1) Wasting time trying to decide what to do next.
2) Wasting money by spending it in areas that you should not.
3) Wasting time and money making mistakes because you're trying to figure out marketing, mindset, and success principles all on your own with no accountability.
Register now. Once payment is received you will receive an email directly from Shauna (within 24 hours) with instructions on scheduling your Small Business Evaluation.